Project Progress

PROJECT PROGRESS: To date, I have collected three gallons of pennies! Will tally them soon. Check here for Project Progress throughout the year.

Monday, December 13, 2010

In the beginning...

If I had a penny for every time someone said, "I like your work," I'd be rich!! Beginning January 1, 2011, I'll be asking everyone who makes such comments to drop a penny in my Penny Jar (and if they don't, I'll drop one in myself), but not to make me rich... After the year ends, I'll create a piece of art (not sure what yet) that incorporates the pennies into the work. So, if you like my work, send me a penny (see info on right sidebar) and become part of the art!

I'll be blogging about the project... how it's going, how people are reacting to it, how it's affecting me as the pennies come in (or not). I'll also blog about the development of the piece of art that will ultimately be created from the pennies. Should be an interesting journey, one I look forward to sharing. Stay tuned...